Monday, 4 April 2011

Bootfairs & 2p Machines

This weekend I spent mostly at bootfairs where I picked up some cool little bits and bobs. The bootfair on sunday was in good old Leysdown and of course you cannot go there without popping into Mr B's  and having a little go on the 2p machines. !


Billie Davis "I Want You To Be My Baby" demo 45, early 60s shoes in box (too big for me but had to get em!), Elton John "Friends" Soundtrack

60s leather and chunky brass bag, Kate Bush "Hounds of Love" LP, Solo Scott & John Walker EP, Bowie Rare LP, Unused 60s Suitcase, London Through The Looking Glass Book (1970)

Vintage Arcade Machine, Wills & Kate Keyring (yes, I won it!), Vintage Machine Close Up, 
Hot Dog 2p Machine, Snakes & Ladders 2p Machine, 
and finally the most random item of all time which I spent about £3 to get - Alain Delon Cologne! 


Sharon said...

Hi there!! Sounds like a really fun time, is the Cologne nice, lol!! Great finds too, love your bag xx

Wilthomer said...

Billie Davis AND the "Solo Scott/Solo John" E.P., SCORE!

John Medd said...

When it comes to Arcade games, you can't beat Roll-a-Penny!

Annimalhouse said...

what fun! I totally covet that red studded bag!! And the wine pointy toe shoes, bangin bargains all around!

Perdita Tinsel said...

I love those bootfair finds, the case especially.

Can't beat the penny falls!!I never win the keyrings :( not enough skill!!

Unknown said...

OOOhhh! The vintage suitcase, Bowie and Kate Bush - FABULOUS!!!

Sarah xxx

Psychedelicsister said...

I want the red shoes and red purse.
Jealous ;)

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

What a fab day. I love the Kate Bush, I have that album at home in Oz. Really need to get a record player so I can bring all my vinyl over. Will need a bigger flat first though! xx

taio said...


Helga said...

OMG,didn't you pick up some goodies!!! I'm really quite envious of you winning that key ring!!
Do check out Radley Metzger, darl! His films are unusual,but "Score" is easily the best! Great for playing to unsuspecting guests.....

Style At Every Age said...

Good old Leysdown eh and to think Nanny Pat spent her honeymoon there!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

You got some brilliant stuff. I love all the music. The Kate and Wills keyring made me laugh xx


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