Sunday, 20 March 2011

Smokey Pokey World

These anti smoking adverts have always brought a little smile to my face, I would seriously love one of the groovy tees too.  This selection dates from 1966 - 1968 and features the same group of slightly smug teens in almost all the ads (except my favourite - the boutique one of course!) all showing what a super fab time you can have if you don't smoke. Let us see....

Don't Smoke '66 - 1

Oh yes a nice party, looks like fun, they really seem to be enjoying themselves... (I am still very jealous of the t-shirt tho)

Don't Smoke '67 - 2

Of course, start a band, people in bands never smoke! Also I just don't get the tagline "More money to call the tune" - am I missing something?

Don't Smoke '66 - 2

This is a classic ad, all jokes aside, some very cool & covetable items in there.  If cigarettes were that cheap, I'd still smoke!

Don't Smoke '68

Yes, More Money For Clothes, the only sensible option.

Don't Smoke '67 - 1

Now they have given up on the band, it's much easier to go and watch one instead. I wish the blonde would share the joke though.

Post title taken from this fab song.


Vix said...

What incredible items adn I love that tee, too. I'd love to rummage in that imaginary boutique. xxx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Yes the imaginary boutique sounds fun! I would love to give up smoking purely because I know it's bad for me. I've smoked roll ups for five years which has made a big difference but I've never given up. How have you got on, have you managed to stay off them? xx

Sharon said...

Hi my dear-great vintage ads, I'm still smoking though ;-(

Psychedelicsister said...

These rule!!!
I want a t-shirt too, my gosh it would be so awesome.

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Where is more money for more booze!! x

Wilthomer said...

L-O-V-E these and agree w/ Penny Dreadful!


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