Friday, 25 March 2011

A little taster...

Recently I promised the gorgeous Miss Peelpants I would post some pics of my Old England Watches and well I haven't quite got around to it yet! So in the meantime here is a little taster featuring the pride of my collection, yes, the Old England Watch Belt! It was such a gorgeous day today and I was on my way out to spend the afternoon with a dear friend whom I am ashamed to say I haven't seen in something like 7 years or so, time certainly flies... We had a lovely long stroll along the beach and what with all that fresh air and my attempts at culinary greatness I had to have a nap earlier this evening and so haven't been able to catch up on any blog reading. Tomorrow I am up early for a church jumble and then off for another seaside jaunt in the afternoon, looks like another busy one!

A slightly squinty Smashingbird sporting Old England Watch Belt, 70s blouse (both ebay), 
vintage pendant (charity shop) and h&m skinny flare trews.


Helga said...

That blouse is HOT! (So are you, in that lovely sunshine!)That's very Celia Birtwell looking,that print!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

That's a great watch/belt. I absolutely love the blouse too! xx

Psychedelicsister said...

You look amazing!
That blouse is to die for.
I'm envious ;)

Vix said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Love that blouse. Have lots of luck at the jumble. xxx

Sharon said...

Hi my dear-you look so gorgeous!! I adore the blouse and the belt is an awesome find and looks stunning indeed. Have a great weekend!!

Smashingbird said...

You are all total sweeties, thank you! xxx

Laura McLaws Helms said...

You look fab! i love the whole outfit!

Wilthomer said...

At the risk of you percieving me to be an old lech I must say "Wow"! Great threads!

Pearl Westwood said...

Your blouse is fab, would love a closer look at the watch-belt!

Anonymous said...

You are eye catching!

Unknown said...

How did I not see this post before??? I LOVE that belt, and you look gorgeous! Wish I could pull off short hair :P xxx


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