Friday, 26 March 2010

Smashingbird is One Today!

Today marks one year since I started this blog. It has been a pretty tough couple of years in my personal life. My fella and I have been trying to buy the shop we work in and the process has taken an absolute age, but it seems that in the next couple of weeks we will finally be working for ourselves, *fingers crossed*, posting on this blog has been a welcome break and distraction to all my boring business woes. 

I started Smashingbird as a hobby to post beautiful pics, wish list items and mini reviews of the films and the music I love. I have been overwhelmed by the support and sweetness of the blogging community and appreciate all your lovely comments and visits to my blog sooo much! 

Here is a list of some my favourite posts from the past year

A big ol' slice of birthday cake and hugs to you all!


Style At Every Age said...

Happy Blogging Birthday!

Sharon said...

Hi there-yes, Happy Birthday my dear!!

Kirby said...


Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

Congrats, keep writing and keep inspiring :)

North West London Girl said...

Very happy birthday xx

Helga said...

Hurrah! I've just discovered you!Loved your post on Beyond the Valley of the Dolls,one of my fav films EVER!!!
Keep it up!:)

Emily Daley said...

Belated Birthday wishes!!! Congrats on making it a year!!!
E xxxx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Happy Birthday to your blog. There's a blog award at mine for you xx

Smashingbird said...

Very belated thanks to you all! I'm rubbish at replying to comments, must try harder!


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