Wednesday, 26 January 2011

I choo choo choose you.

My goodness hasn't January whizzed by! Now it's almost February and that means Valentines or for the cynical ones among us the first greetings card made up holiday of the year...  
I can tell you it's been a few years since I've got a card from my other half but I love fun & unusual stationery, so for me it's just an excuse to find the cutest card I can! 
The last card I received was actually from a customer who comes into my shop, it featured two large melons on the front and the classic line "I saw these and thought of you!" Nice. It's quite a funny story as the card obviously wasn't signed but the handwriting had some very distinguishing features so it didn't take me long to work out who sent it! I never mentioned it to the chap in question, who happens to be a local magistrate, and he didn't ask me about it either! We did have a couple of rather awkward meetings after this but I know it was sent in good humour... still kinda weird tho! Does anybody else have any odd valentines stories?

So without further ado here are my top finds from some of my favourite stationery sites. 


And finally here is a bumper 24 pack with stickers and stamps if you are feeling very generous this year!


Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Becka, great picks. I shall be more organised this year and check these sites out. Usually I fly into a rubbish card shop at the last minute and moan because there's nothing I like xx

Vix said...

They look brilliant, much better those horrible bears and mush you get on the high street.
No funny Valentines stories, loved yours. I did get a mystery card once, hand-written with the words:
"Labour is Red
And Tories are blue
I hope you're Liberal
'Cos I want to shag you"
Never did find out who it was from. xxx

Style At Every Age said...

I must admit we don't bother but I would like to get one really, just pretend I don't care! Really cute cards xx

Unknown said...

Might go and see some gloomy French films with the boyfriend on Valentines Day. I must admit to being a bit of a grouch about it, partly because of good sense/cynicism and partly because of lots of hideous lonely Valentines experiences (even when I was in relationships...)

The weirdest one, but kinda sweet, was when I was doing some reception work in a car showroom. They had an eastern European guy (boy, probably) who didn't speak any English, cleaning the cars on the forecourt. He'd been staring soppily at me all week and, on the 14th February, tenderly placed a box of Bakewell Tarts on my desk with a shy smile and ran away.

I assume he didn't intend for the 'tart' association, and just thought he would give me something sweet with a big red almost-heart shaped blob in the middle.

Awwww ;)

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

PS. I think you should drop a hint with your boyfriend. I would be pissed off if I didn't get a card from The Actor! Even more pissed off if I got a soft toy though! xx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Hehe, I recognise that quote ;)

Sharon said...

Hi there-lovely picks and what a funny story too! Have a great weekend my dear x

Emily Daley said...

Those are fab!!! I am in the cynical corner with you though, although I agree with Christina, I would rather have a card than a soft toy, Ughhh! speak later!! lots of love em xxxxxxxxxxx

Make Do Style said...

Oh a great choice - thanks for that I must get my skates on and buy something!!

Wilthomer said...

A little Ralph Wiggum goes a long way!


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