Saturday, 20 February 2010

Buffalo 66

I watched this for the first time the other day. I don't know how I've never seen this before because I love american indie type films. Best film I've seen in soo long.
I loved Vincent Gallo's costume, the red boots rocked. Christina Ricci is adorable, she has the most perfect doll like face. You wouldn't recognise Anjelica in a million years!
Oh, and any soundtrack which features Yes and King Crimson is ok with me.


Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

Glad to hear you liked this movie, it is one of my faves! I did a post about it not long ago with a ton of pics, and a few of my favorite quotes.

Also, if you get a chance try to see "Angel Baby". (Another awkward love story worth a watch)

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to see this movie, and these dreamy screencaps have completely convinced me. It looks wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it. Now I need to check it out :)

Sharon said...

Hi there-it sure looks great, thanks for the review!!

The F Word Online said...

aww these photos actually melted my heart. i love indie films <3

xx lue

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

this looks good, i'll have to check it out :)

Laura McLaws Helms said...

My favourite thing about this movie is the way that he filmed it- the bleached out effect he gained from using old VNF Ektachrome stock. The whole thing looks like an Eggleston photograph.

Psychedelicsister said...

One of my favorite films ever.


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