As I have mentioned a few times before, I just adore Terry De Havilland shoes. They are soo fun and sexy, and I love that they are pretty much replicas of original 70's designs.
I do keep a close eye on his website as the sale section can be Just check out some of the amazing bargains to be had right now. Somebody please themselves buy a few pairs, as I don't think I have any budget for delicious shoes this month! Although the purple Margaux's are seriously tempting me......

All images from, click on the link below to go straight to the shoe
Hi there-the purple ones are divine, really lovely!!
*smacks lips together*
One day I will just have to save up enough money to get a pair. I have a vintage pair of green silk 30s style ones, but they're a smidge too small so I might have to sell them too. Boohiss.
There's something so Golden Age Hollywood about the silver pair. I feel glamorous just looking at them.
I pretty much only wear his shoes, but there are so many on sale here that are in colours I don't have yet- I want them all! Of course that is totally impossible so I may just settle for the pink Margaux's. I have them in tan/gold from a few years ago and they are so comfy.
Totally fabby! He wasn't called the Rock n Roll Cobbler for nothing!
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