Monday, 9 May 2011

She's back! (for a little bit anyhoo)

Saturday 1

As I mentioned in my post on saturday this weekend I spent with my favourite sister (ok, she's my only sibling, but she's still my fave!), who has just returned from the not so snow covered mountains of Val D'Isere. We met up at 2pm with a big group of her nearest & dearest girlies and had a lovely lunch at Prezzo's (Gorgonzola Pizza = yum!) where I probably should have taken food pics, but as you all know I'm crap at photos!

Saturday 2

Next we moved onto a rather trendy bar/restaurant/club place where copious amounts of wine was consumed and Em being the caring big sister was craftily only giving me small glasses (did I mention I'm  a complete lightweight?). Here I am in outfit post mode, doing my best until someone who shall remain nameless hollered "POSER!" at me, so what's a gal to do? That's right, give 'em my best Blue Steel!

Saturday 3

What I wore: vintage 70's purple floral chiffon sundress (£6 from Scope), Purple suede & patent Terry De Havilland Wedges, Red leather and gold studded vintage bag (50p bootfair), 70's gold small chain belt and my usual charity shop jewels.

Saturday 4

I'm pleased to say Em & I are the only ones that lasted the night right through until 3am! Even though a very very generous chap bought us a bottle of champagne, which at 1am was received with mixed reviews! Plus there wasn't a kebab insight. (the queue was too long ; p )

Thank goodness for small measures and Party Feet.


Style At Every Age said...

Great pics!

Unknown said...

Must be so lovely to have her back!! You look fabby, those De Havs!!! Swoon....

Smashingbird said...

Sharron - wish you were there with us!
Miss Peelpants - Thanks lovely, my favouritest shoes ever!

Unknown said...

Would LOVE a better pic of that frock and THOSE SHOES please!!! You look GORGEOUS!

Sarah xxx

Vix said...

Wow, what a session! Well done on lasting so long. Love your outfit and don't you and your pretty sister look alike? xxx

Tarkus said...


Sharon said...

Hi there-sounds like an awesome day and night and you look gorgeous as always, fab dress and divine shoes!! xx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

You both look gorgeous. How lovely to have your sister back xx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

You can't imagine how envious I am of your shoes. And your blue steel, nice one. I wish you'd been able to come this weekend, I want to meet you! xx

Sharon said...

Hi my dear! Just thought I'd say the blouse hanging up is Ossie Clark, its still not gone despite being on ebay and at the fair!! xx

Emily Daley said...

Was a great day eh? Think we got away with it rather lightly!!!! love em xxxxxxx


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