Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Crafty Bloggers

I am super excited to be taking part in a little crafty blogger fun set up by the inimitable Helga, who has stitched together a rather fab little denim tote, lined with some very important royal memorabilia (aka Charles & Di Teatowel). The task is as follows: the bag will be sent to each blogger on the list below and they must then either decorate or add something to the bag + a little gifty for the next person and the finished bag will then be the prize in a giveaway. It is quite a long list and I am number 13, I hope that isn't an omen! I do have a couple of ideas as to what I'm going to add but it looks like I'm going to have plenty of time to polish up my sewing skills!



Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

How FUN! What a great idea, and can't wait to see the finished product! :)

Sharon said...

Hi my dear-yes, I'm on the list too, its a really fabulous idea!! xx

annimal said...

What a prize it will be! It started out cool with Helga's enviable sewing skills and it will only get better!! I'm envious of the lucky winner already!!

Pearl Westwood said...

Im numer 19, cant wiat for it to get moving x

Smashingbird said...

Thank my lovelies, I can't wait to get it!


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